Sabtu, 01 November 2014

Proses Pendengaran Manusia

Singapore Science Centre, 13 April 2014

Proses Pendengaran

       In this article, we're going to have a close look at the tool we all use every day: the ear. This small organ has quite a few surprises in store for us. We' see that it's literally crammed with equalisers and dynamic compressors, including a multi‑band one. It even includes an extremely efficient filter bank, as well as a highly sophisticated analogue‑to‑digital converter. Armed with this knowledge, sometimes referred to as 'psychoacoustics', we'll discover numerous practical consequences for music production. Those include the choice of monitoring level, ideas for how to deal with bass frequencies in a mix, and a surprising antidote to frequency overlap.
1. Your ears capture sound waves
2. Focusing them into your ear drum
3. To make it vibrate. These vibrations are transferred to the hearing organ (The Cochlea)
4. By the three smallest bones in your body
5. tiny hairs of different llenghts, inside the cochlea
6.vibrate in tune with the different frequencies of incoming sound waves
7. each of the hais is attached to a nerve cell which sends sound messages to your brain.

 Proses pendengaran sangat berpengaruh terhadap kehidupan sehari-hari, ketika saya ke s'pore SC saya melihat ini dan langsung saja untuk jadi pertama kalinya ngepost di blogspot, 
1. telinga Anda menangkap gelombang suara
2. susara terfokus ke gendang telinga untuk membuatnya bergetar
3. Getaran ini akan ditransfer ke organ pendengaran (koklea)
4. Dengan tiga tulang terkecil dalam tubuh Anda
5. Melewati rambut kecil dengan panjang yang berbeda, di dalam rumah siput
6. getaran selaras dengan frekuensi yang berbeda dari gelombang suara yang masuk
7. setiap rambut yang melekat pada sel saraf yang mengirimkan pesan suara ke otak Anda.

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